Mrs. Miller's career in education spans more than 20 years. She has a strong passion for building a more powerful next generation that strengthens our communities, practices and values. Elizabeth has a Master’s in Speech Pathology & School Counseling. She lives in Scottsdale with her husband and two sons.
"I truly believe that healthy relationships are key to Educational Excellence." - Elizabeth Miller
Wondering what a school social worker does? Simply put, helps remove barriers to educational success. Check the list below to see a few of the things she does at Coronado!
- Provide Emotional Support
- Provide Family Support
- Classroom presentations when appropriate
- Participate in 504 meetings at students request
- Referrals To Community Resources
- Financial Assistance (school lunches, school supplies, transportation assistance)
- Student Support Groups
- Crisis Response
- Clothing Closet
Concerned teachers, family members, or peers may refer students to the school's Social Worker for a variety of reasons. Administrators may refer students for violation of school policy. Any student may request to be in a support group and receive emotional support at any time during the school year. The services and supports provided by the school social worker are free. Since we are in a school setting, NO CLINICAL THERAPY WILL BE PROVIDED. However, every effort will be made to collaborate with the student and their families to refer students to outside agencies that are appropriate for the students' needs. The school social worker takes student confidentiality very seriously and will protect it at all costs unless the student has disclosed the desire to hurt themselves or someone else or that they are a victim of abuse or neglect.
The social worker plays an important role in helping to increase communication among home, school, and community.