Coronado HS Attendance Policies
"Miss 10, Do it Again!"
It is the LAW that a student cannot miss 10 or more days of school in a semester and receive credit for their courses. Subsequent violations of the Scottsdale Unified School District Code of Conduct or Arizona law including but not limited to A.R. S. 15-802, A.R.S. 15-803, A.R.S. 15-804, will result in further disciplinary procedures, which will include placement on audit status and potential loss of credit.
Excused and Unexcused Absences
The law pertains to both excused and unexcused absences. This means that between the first day of the semester and the last day of the semester, a student may be absent up to 10 times without school penalty; however, missing class information can impact the student’s grade.
** The only exception is for a chronic medical condition or other administration approved extenuating circumstances with documentation**
Attendance Audit Contract
In order to appeal audit status, students must demonstrate substantial improvement in their attendance and complete the tasks below BEFORE the next grade posting. Should students or parents have questions about audit status, they should see their grade level administrator.
- Task 1: No additional unexcused absences or tardies
- Task 2: Attend Saturday School 2 Times
- Task 3: Attend After School Tutoring 4 Times
In addition to the tasks listed above, students on audit will still need to go through the end of semester appeal process. This process will include writing an appeal letter to the Coronado Attendance Task Force, in which students will request an exemption from the state law and have the opportunity to explain why credit should be awarded to them despite their lack of attendance.
Tardy Policy
- Students will be marked tardy when they arrive after the tardy bell and within the first 10 minutes of class.
- Students will be marked absent when they arrive after the first 10 minutes of class.
- The only exception will be a hand-written pass from another teacher or staff member.
Tardy Consequences - Miss 10 do it again!” Excessive tardies can also result as No Credit (“NC”) in a class.
Tardy discipline policy
- 3 or More Tardies in 1 Week - Student Assigned Friday Lunch Detention in the Library / Media Center
- 12 Total Tardy Arrivals to Classes - Student called to meet with Assigned Administrator and placed on Tardy Contract
- 15 Total Tardy Arrivals to Classes - Administrative consequences will become more severe (i.e. Saturday School, parent meetings, tardy contract, and NC status)
For further information, please see the Uniform Code of Student Conduct – Attendance Regulations.
For all day absences, leave your student’s name, student id# and the reason for the absence. Do not leave emergency messages on this line!
For late arrivals and early releases, please provide advance notice before arriving to school. Do not leave all day absences on this line. If you are dropping off your student after the final bell has rung at 8:15 a.m., you must accompany your student to the Attendance Office to sign-in and receive and excused pass to class.
Spanish Attendance Line
Attendance Policy
Offline Minutes Policy: Students will be dropped from a course after 10 consecutive days of inactivity. In agreement with the attendance policy, students must present offline minutes as one requirement to take the final. Enter offline minutes in Genius. ADE requires 5400 minutes per course.
In compliance with state and local laws, policies, and procedures, please be aware of SUSD'S attendance policies. Specifically, Arizona state law says that it is unlawful for any child between the ages of six and sixteen to fail to attend school during the hours school is in session, unless exempt due to extenuating circumstances as outlined in A.R.S. 15-802, 15-803.
Build the Habit of Good Attendance
Help Your Child Succeed in Preschool and Kindergarten: Build the Habit of Good Attendance - English | Spanish
Help Your Child Succeed in Elementary School: Build the Habit of Good Attendance Early - English | Spanish
Keep Your Child On Track in Middle and High School: Pay Attention to Attendance - English | Spanish